Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Blackfive Sells Out To Political Correctness
In the current debate over the repeal of the 1993 law erroneously called Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT), Congress is supposed to be waiting for a report from the military before taking a vote on the issue of gays openly serving in the military. Not content to wait for the democratic process to take its course, however, certain Congressmen feel it is their prerogative to make unilateral decisions before all the information is in.
The milbloggers remind me of a bunch of scared schoolboys who are terrified of getting beat up by the bullying left-wingers waiting for them in the schoolyard. Hence, they are ever so thoughtful in their request:
We ask Congress to withhold action until this [the military's research and report] is finished, but no longer. We urge Congress to listen to the service chiefs and act in accordance with the recommendations of that study.Meanwhile, Congress in the person of Sen. Carl Levin (D-Michigan) shows no such restraint as he prepares to attach an amendment to the upcoming Defense Authorization Bill that will either place a moratorium on the 1993 law (mis-labeled Don't Ask Don't Tell) or repeal it entirely. The Center for Military Readiness (CMR) continues to provide insightful coverage of this issue. Or, read their policy paper which describes in detail some of the consequences of gays openly serving. As CMR points out,
The US Military is professional and ready to adapt to the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell without compromising its mission. Echoing Sec. Def. Gates and ADM Mullen, we welcome open and honorable service, regardless of sexual orientation.
Military men and women are about to be used in an involuntary social experiment, paying a high and possibly irrevocable price for the president’s political promises to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered activists of the LGBT Left.
Responsible congressmen and senators of both parties should step forward to clarify the situation and to reaffirm support for the 1993 law.
Political Correctness
Monday, May 10, 2010
Dolan Announces National Prayer Campaign for Life
Our own Archbishop Timothy Dolan introduced a National Prayer Campaign For Life on May 3rd upon the 10th anniversary of the passing of John Cardinal O’Connor. Inspiration for this campaign comes from both Cardinal O'Connor, a passionate champion of the unborn and the founder of the Sisters of Life, as well as from Pope John Paul II. Sister Lucy of the Sisters of Life writes,
strengthen us with your Holy Spirit
to receive the abundance of life you have promised.
Open our hearts to see and desire
the beauty of your plan for life and love.
Make our love generous and self-giving so that we may be blessed with joy.
Grant us great trust in your mercy.
Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life
and heal us from the effects of the culture of death.
Instill in us and all people reverence for every human life.
Inspire and protect our efforts on behalf of those most vulnerable
especially the unborn, the sick and the elderly.
We ask this in the Name of Jesus,
who by His Cross makes all things new. Amen.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Read more about the campaign at
Please join us in praying this prayer every day and give it to others–we are hoping that it spreads throughout our nation so that a Culture of Life may be fully restored!Eternal Father, Source of Life,
strengthen us with your Holy Spirit
to receive the abundance of life you have promised.
Open our hearts to see and desire
the beauty of your plan for life and love.
Make our love generous and self-giving so that we may be blessed with joy.
Grant us great trust in your mercy.
Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life
and heal us from the effects of the culture of death.
Instill in us and all people reverence for every human life.
Inspire and protect our efforts on behalf of those most vulnerable
especially the unborn, the sick and the elderly.
We ask this in the Name of Jesus,
who by His Cross makes all things new. Amen.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Read more about the campaign at
Thursday, May 6, 2010
National Day of Prayer
Pope John Paul II writes in Evangelium Vitae that certain situations require prayer and fasting:
Jesus himself has shown us by his own example that prayer and fasting are the first and most effective weapons against the forces of evil (cf. Mt 4:1-11). As he taught his disciples, some demons cannot be driven out except in this way (cf. Mk 9:29). Let us therefore discover anew the humility and the courage to pray and fast so that power from on high will break down the walls of lies and deceit.The present would seem to be one of those times when a highly effective weapon against the forces of evil is needed. Pray without ceasing.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Join The Margarita Challenge
I will admit that I voted for Bloomberg, but only once.
President Bush After 9/11
A friend sent this to me recently. I know that baseball fans have quite a way to go before kicking into World Series mode, but this video shows an American spirit that has been flaccid if not just plain absent in the last few years. Here, President Bush throws out the first pitch at Yankee Stadium a month or so after 9/11 as the crowd gives voice to the American spirit that we hopefully still have in us. As he reflects on the experience and walks out onto the mound, Bush shows how a real American president should act.
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